Dear visitor,
welcome to the website of the MUNICIPALITY OF RAČE-FRAM.
People are the essence of our municipality. Seven thousand of us live in beautiful, picturesque and well-maintained village communities, surrounded by the Drava plain on the one side and the wooded slopes of the Pohorje Massif on the other side. We tend to think of ourselves as hard-working, stubbornly creative, open, joyful and hospitable. Apart from the natural and cultural attractions, which we are greatly proud of, the visitors can also enjoy a wide range of culinary delights and beverages.
You can visit us at any time, as every season here has intrinsic appeal.
Rače-Fram became a municipality in 1995. Members of our community admit that to this day much has improved. Our mission is to continue to provide a people-friendly as well as a tourist-friendly atmosphere. We hope that our website reflects this and invite you to explore the things that interest you. Dear visitor, thank you for the interest in our website. We appreciate you taking your time to read about our municipality and hope that you will decide to visit us in the future.
Contacts:Grajski trg 14, 2327 Rače, Slovenia (EU)
Tel: +386 (0)2 609 60 10
Fax: +386 (0)2 609 60 18
