When entering the hilly landscape of the Pohorje of Fram, you will encounter the village of Fram. The well-preserved architecture and ethnological heritage have granted Fram the status of a protected urban monument. The core of the settlement lies in the valley of the stream of Fram. Back in the days there were many oil mills, windmills, and sawmills working in the village, giving the place its unique charm. Today, the restored industry complex at the core of the village merely hints at what was once a long oil-manufacturing tradition. Certain homesteads in the area still hold abandoned and transformed buildings–the remains of past farming habits (the Sagadin Sawmill, the Pečovnik Windmill, and some of the oil mills at the core of the village).
Zakon o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij (ZDSMA), ureja ukrepe za zagotovitev dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zavezancev po tem zakonu za vse uporabnike, zlasti za uporabnike z različnimi oblikami oviranosti. Ta zakon se uporablja za državne organe, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in osebe javnega prava
Spletna stran za nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke
Spletna stran za delovanje uporablja samo nujno potrebne piškotke, za katere ne potrebujemo vaše privolitve. Brez namestitve teh piškotkov, vam nemotenega dostopa do spletne strani ne moremo omogočiti.
Za več informacij si preberite Politika piškotkov.