The Vešner Homestead The building is an ethnological monument that depicts the simple lifestyle lived here through different historic periods. The building has been authentically renovated and can be visited. It is built from stone and wood, covered with a tufted straw roof. The residential part of the house has three vaulted basements.
The Vešner Cave At approximately 750m a.s.l., near the Vešner Homestead, the Vešner Cave, famous for its marble composite, can be found. The central part of the Pohorje Massif is built out of magma rock, mostly tonalite. These rocks envelope big and small elongated blocks of marble, where you can see karst phenomena. In one of the blocks, between the Vešner Homestead and the Nacek Homestead in the Planica hamlet, is an entrance to a smaller karst phenomenon—a chasm with an entrance diameter of 2 x 1m, and 10m deep. Seeping through the cracks in the marble, water is transported to the spring through underground caverns. After 1km, the spring flows into the Brunik stream, which is the left affluent of the Polskava stream.
Zakon o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij (ZDSMA), ureja ukrepe za zagotovitev dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zavezancev po tem zakonu za vse uporabnike, zlasti za uporabnike z različnimi oblikami oviranosti. Ta zakon se uporablja za državne organe, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in osebe javnega prava
Spletna stran za nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke
Spletna stran za delovanje uporablja samo nujno potrebne piškotke, za katere ne potrebujemo vaše privolitve. Brez namestitve teh piškotkov, vam nemotenega dostopa do spletne strani ne moremo omogočiti.
Za več informacij si preberite Politika piškotkov.