The Rački Ribniki-Požeg Landscape Park lies on the edge of the Drava Plain and spans across 484 hectares of land. It encompasses the local lowland mixed forest, several ponds, a wet pond, and meadows with hedgerows. The park is an exceptionally important area of Slovenia’s lowlands. It is home to several rare and endangered plant and animal species – not only in regional and national terms, but beyond as well. More than 210 bird species, 50 dragonfly species and 12 amphibian species inhabit the area. And these are only the most notable animals here. In the last few years, the park has become a wonderful destination to visit. The unspoilt beauty of nature, interesting animal and plant life, and a tranquil atmosphere for rest and relaxation can all be found here. The park’s lowland position and easy accessibility also makes it suitable for visitors of all ages. The trails in the park are equipped with signs that provide interesting facts about various animal and plant species, and information signs can be found at the park’s entrance as well. You can read more about the park in the trail guide issued by the DPPVN – the Society for Bird Research and Nature Protection (contact person Milan Vogrin, cell phone: +386 (0)41 699 268). The trail guide also contains information about booking guided tours.
Zakon o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij (ZDSMA), ureja ukrepe za zagotovitev dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zavezancev po tem zakonu za vse uporabnike, zlasti za uporabnike z različnimi oblikami oviranosti. Ta zakon se uporablja za državne organe, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in osebe javnega prava
Spletna stran za nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke
Spletna stran za delovanje uporablja samo nujno potrebne piškotke, za katere ne potrebujemo vaše privolitve. Brez namestitve teh piškotkov, vam nemotenega dostopa do spletne strani ne moremo omogočiti.
Za več informacij si preberite Politika piškotkov.